Friday, May 11, 2007


in five days i will travel back to the united states. i've spent eight months here, learned a bit of spanish here and there, learned to trust God a whole lot more, learned what it means to be in a different culture for a long time, learned what it means to love friends, and have to leave them, maybe forever, learned what it means to miss home, found so many more reasons to praise our God.
in these eight months i've changed alot, and solidified who i am much more. i still have alot of learning to do, and growing. i look forward eagerly to the next part of my life, where i'll learn to live just that: the today that was tomorrow yesterday.
thank you all for your prayers for me, and thank God that he's kept me safe here, and been with me every moment.
i love you all, and cant wait to see you.